If you're into world building, my other site, The Art of World Building, has begun a series of 5 world…
Creating Life can now be pre-ordered at Amazon! Other retailers will follow soon. The official release date is May 2,…
Creating Life (The Art of World Building, #1) has been written and is now being edited by JJ Henke, who's…
Here's the cover for the next Talon Stormbringer book, The Screaming Moragul. The story is named after the ghostly ship…
You know you're too busy when you forget to announce a new release! Doh. "The Epic of Ronyn" story from…
The Ever Fiend has been released today! Hopefully this will be the start of a great career. You can help…
The page on rhaikan has been uploaded. Some highlights: Rhaikan are a race of the jhaikan species. The gods of truth, empathy, peace,…
The page on kadeans has been uploaded. Some highlights: Kadeans are a race of the mandean species. They are the result of a plot by…
The Divine Covenant (fully explained there) is an agreement between the gods of Llurien. As a result, the gods created the race…
The four gods of the violet sphere, who created the riven species, have been revealed here on Llurien.com. They are: Blaeykynor, goddess…