News about the world of Llurien
The page on rhaikan has been uploaded. Some highlights: Rhaikan are a race of the jhaikan species. The gods of truth, empathy, peace,…
The page on kadeans has been uploaded. Some highlights: Kadeans are a race of the mandean species. They are the result of a plot by…
The Divine Covenant (fully explained there) is an agreement between the gods of Llurien. As a result, the gods created the race…
The four gods of the violet sphere, who created the riven species, have been revealed here on They are: Blaeykynor, goddess…
The page on dariven has been uploaded. Some highlights: Dariven are a race of riven and result from abandoned riven being raised…
The page on riven has been uploaded. Some highlights: Riven are one of the seven original humanoid species. Riven don’t value life, including…
The page on niquerra has been uploaded. Some highlights: Niquerra are a race of the querra species. The god of greed, Neistrum,…
The four gods of the yellow sphere, who created the querra species, have been revealed here on They are: Daedras, god…
The page on querra has been uploaded. Some highlights: Querra are one of the seven original humanoid species. Querra run so fast that…
The page on nideans has been uploaded. Some highlights: Nideans are a subterranean race of the mandean species. Most people have no idea they…